A disease such as gonarthrosis of the knee joint, without proper treatment, can lead to a person’s disability. This is due to a violation of the motor function of the joint and the foot as a whole. To avoid this, you should see a doctor as soon as possible if you develop symptoms of the disease.
What is this disease
Gonarthrosis is the osteoarthritis of the knee joint. It is a subtype of joint pathology that is localized in one or both knees. This pathology is a degenerative-dystrophic process. This means that the cartilage tissue in the joint is destroyed, gradually involved in the pathological process of the bone tissue.
Why and how it develops
What is knee gonarthrosis? This is a violation of all the functions of the knee that occurs due to pathological changes in the cartilage tissue. This disease occurs in middle-aged people - that is, after 40-45 years (primary). However, there are also cases where the disease occurs in younger patients - this is often post-traumatic (secondary) gonarthrosis.
Bilateral gonarthrosis of the knee joints is the most common pathology in the elderly. This is due to the fact that these joints are exposed to high daily loads. As a result, the cartilage gradually wears out and loses its physiological properties.

This disease refers to polyethiology. What does this mean? Such diseases are caused by several factors at the same time. What can directly cause gonarthrosis - a disease of the knee joint?
Table. Causes and mechanisms of pathology:
OK | What's happening |
The mechanical factor is the most important. | Degenerative lesions begin as a result of daily microtrauma or some more severe injury. As a result, cartilage is destroyed in different parts of the cartilage. |
Violation of microcirculation. | Deterioration of cartilage tissue nutrition leads to loss of elasticity and shrinkage. |
Metabolic disorders in cartilage tissue. | The main components of cartilage, glucosamine and chondroitin, are reduced. |
Changes in the structure of synovial fluid. | Its lubricating function ceases, the cartilage rubs against the bone and collapses. |
All this together leads to the development of joint pathology.
Its main manifestations
What are the main symptoms of gonarthrosis of the knee joint?
The main distinguishing feature from arthritis is the gradual, slow onset of symptoms:
- The first manifestation of arthrosis is pain. At first, the pain is felt by the patient only after a long load - a long walk. At rest, the pain quickly disappears. Progression of the disease leads to an earlier feeling of pain. In the final stages, the patient is not even able to stand up.
- Another characteristic symptom is the onset of pain. Which? This is the pain that appears at the very beginning of the movement. In the first stage, such pains occur in the morning, after getting out of bed. They then appear at the beginning of each movement.
- The opposite symptom is nocturnal pain. It develops during sleep due to pressure inside the bones. Such feelings go away while walking.
- In the second stage, reactive synovitis usually develops. It is an inflammation of the articular sac that occurs due to the destruction of cartilage. What does the knee joint look like with gonarthrosis and arthritis? The knee swells and the skin is hot to the touch. Sometimes the kneecap bulges.
- The next typical symptom is crepitus. This term is called distance cracking during joint movements. It is almost inaudible at first, but will be quite loud later. It can be heard during the whole movement.
- In the last stage, deformation of the knee joint is formed. This is due to the fact that the bone structures of the joint are involved in the pathological process. On the bones, growths appear that deform the knee - this is already deforming arthrosis. As a result, axial displacement of the bones develops, the leg is shortened and the knee turns to the side (photo).

A complication of gonarthrosis is the development of contractures. This is a complete cessation of movement in the joint due to bone fusion or muscle congestion. As a result, muscular dystrophy develops - due to the small amount of movement.
Diagnostic methods
Gonarthrosis is diagnosed based on a number of facts:
- history of the disease - the development of symptoms, the dynamics of the patient's complaints;
- characteristic symptoms;
- X-ray examination.
In case of gonarthrosis, X-rays are taken in three projections.
Arthrosis is characterized by the following changes:
- a decrease in the lumen of the joint gap is the first sign of the disease, in the third stage the gap is practically absent;
- in the second stage, osteophytes can be detected;
- Subchondral sclerosis is also a specific symptom characterized by compaction of the bone ends near the cartilage.
If the diagnosis is in doubt, computer or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. The doctor will evaluate the results and determine one degree or another of gonarthrosis. The video expert in this article tells you more about diagnostic methods and results.
Types of treatment
Comprehensive treatment of gonarthrosis is required. The combination of different approaches can significantly slow down the process of cartilage degeneration.
Conservative therapy can also be performed on an outpatient basis. If surgical treatment is required, the patient is taken to a hospital where a medical history is recorded. Records the course and results of surgery.
First, the patient must prescribe a certain diet. You can use it to improve the condition of your cartilage tissue. And rejecting certain products restores blood circulation to the joint area.
What is recommended in the diet of patients with gonarthrosis:
- First, they are products high in protein and collagen. Includes sea fish, meat, jelly. They should be consumed daily.
- Products containing fiber. These are fruits and vegetables. Also recommended for daily use.

Fatty meat and fish, pastries, sweets, alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. This not only improves blood circulation but also allows excess weight to be removed.
Conservative treatment is based on taking medication. The effect of the drugs is to eliminate the pathological process and its symptoms.
All medicines can be bought at the pharmacy. The price is quite high, but the medication has to be taken for a long time.
Medications are prescribed by a specialist, self-medication is unacceptable.
The use of physiotherapy procedures is recommended at all stages of arthrosis. Their goal is to reduce pain, restore blood circulation to the joint area, and slow down dystrophic processes.
The most commonly used methods are:
- ultra high frequencies;
- magnetotherapy;
- ozone therapy;
- baths - radon, hydrogen sulfide.
Such treatment is performed in a clinic or sanatorium.

Initially, the patient is prescribed measures to reduce the strain on the affected knee. This is achieved by using a stick, compression stockings and a bandage. In severe pain syndrome, knee immobilization is required for several days.
Therapeutic exercises are prescribed as the condition improves. It is first performed under the guidance of a gymnast and then you can do it at home.
Surgical treatment
Gonarthrosis is the most common pathology that requires surgery.
Different types of operations are used depending on the condition of the joint and the degree of destruction:
- Denervation. Such an operation is used quite rarely - especially in elderly patients with severe pain. The essence of the procedure is to cut through the nerve leading to the joint. The effect of such an intervention will last for several years.
- intraosseous decompression. It is most commonly performed with gonarthrosis. The point is to reduce the strain on the patient’s joint. The spongy material of the bone near the cartilage is destroyed by drilling.
- Osteotomy. It also aims to reduce the load on the joint. The effect is achieved by dissecting the bone directly at the joint head.
- Endoprosthesis. It is used to completely destroy cartilage tissue. The connection is replaced with metal.
Restorative therapy is required after all types of surgery. Gonarthrosis of the knee joint can make a person disabled - in the absence of timely diagnosis and proper treatment.